Seeing Hollywood actors with flawless smiles on TV might have led you to believe perfection is the norm. However, reality is different. Most of us have dental imperfections, such as stains, chips, or minor damage.

At Sopris Smiles, our dentists can perform a cosmetic procedure to give you the smile you’ve always wanted: dental veneers.

Understanding Veneers: Your Path to Dental Perfection

What Are Veneers?

Dental veneers are tailor-made shells crafted from porcelain or composite resin. They adhere to your teeth and conceal dental imperfections like uneven shapes, yellowish stains, or cracks.

Since veneers match the color and shape of real teeth, you won’t see the difference between your natural teeth and your restored ones.

Why Choose Dental Veneers?

Veneers are an excellent option for enhancing your smile without invasive treatments like dental crowns or braces. They can mask even the tiniest chip, gap, or stain, leaving you with a stunning smile that boosts your confidence.

How Do We Apply Dental Veneers?

Applying veneers is a straightforward and efficient procedure, where we follow these steps:

  • Initial Consultation: Our experienced dental team will assess your dental health and discuss your aesthetic goals. This is the perfect time to ask questions and share your concerns.
  • Customization: Once you decide to proceed with dental veneers, we will take precise impressions of your teeth. We will use this information to create restorations that fit your smile and complement your facial features.
  • Preparation: Before attaching the veneers, we will remove a small amount of enamel from the front surface of your teeth. This step ensures a secure fit for the veneers and allows them to align with your natural teeth.
  • Temporary Veneers: While a dental laboratory makes your custom veneers, we will place temporary veneers on your teeth to protect them and maintain your smile's appearance.
  • Veneer Bonding: When your custom veneers are ready, you'll return to our office for their attachment. We will position each veneer and bond them securely to your teeth.
  • Finishing Touches: The final step involves shaping and polishing the veneers to give them a natural look and comfortable fit.

Why Choose Sopris Smiles for Your Veneers?

At Sopris Smiles, our commitment to excellence and patient-centric approach makes us the ideal choice for your veneer treatment.

  • Unparalleled Expertise: Our experienced dental team has a wealth of knowledge and skill in cosmetic dentistry. You can trust us to deliver results that exceed your expectations.
  • Personalized Care: We tailor our veneer treatments to your specific needs to create a smile that suits you.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: We employ state-of-the-art dental technology to create veneers that are aesthetically pleasing, durable, and long-lasting.
  • Comprehensive Dental Solutions: Beyond veneers, we offer many dental services to address all your oral health and aesthetic needs. Our goal is to give you a beautiful and healthy smile that lasts a lifetime.

Do You Want to Get the Perfect Smile with Dental Veneers?

If you're ready to transform your smile with a simple and effective procedure, dental veneers at Sopris Smiles are the perfect option.

Don't wait any longer to achieve the flawless smile you've always dreamed of. Contact us today to learn more about veneers and schedule your first appointment.