The link between dental health andoverall physical health is indisputable. Poor dental hygiene can causeserious health issues. Conversely, some medical conditions such as diabetes andeven some medications you take can adversely affect your oral health. Keepreading to learn more.
Good oral hygiene is key to keepingdental bacteria in check. Our diet also plays an important role. But otherfactors can interfere with the ability to reduce oral bacteria production — andexcess bacteria can lead to disease.
1. Medications. Your saliva playsan important role in washing away bacteria. Certain common over-the-counter andprescription medications can reduce saliva production — sometimes referred toas “dry mouth.” These include antihistamines, antidepressants, and someantibiotics.
2. Crooked teeth. Having straight teeth isn’t just cosmetic. Along with other benefits, straight teeth are also easierto thoroughly clean, which reduces chances of issues from bacteria and plaquebuildup. Severe misalignment will require braces or surgery, and your dentistcan direct you toward the right choice.
3. Your heart. If left unchecked,oral bacteria can be associated with problems related to your heart, resultingin infections and other cardiovascular issues such as strokes and cloggedarteries.
4. Your lungs. Just as bacteria andgerms can affect your heart health, they have also been shown to have an effecton your lungs, causing such illnesses as asthma, CPOD,and even pneumonia.
5. Premature birth and low birth weight. Periodontal bacteria has also been associated with inflammation, aswell as our body’s immune responses. Pregnant women should stay up to date onregular dental checkups to keep increased inflammation under control.
Conditions that can negatively impact your oral health
Just as your dental health can createother health issues, certain illnesses and conditions can have an adverseeffect on dental health.
6. Diabetes. Patients with diabetes often struggle withpoor blood sugar control and increased susceptibility to infections — bothcontributors to oral bacterial invasions.
7. HIV/AIDS. The compromised immunity of HIV/AIDSpatients increases their chances of dental infections, oral lesions, and other conditions such as dry mouth and thrush.
8. Osteoporosis. Patients with osteoporosis suffer from aloss of bone mass, including bones in the jaw that support the teeth.
9. Eating disorders. Poor nutrition — such as thatcommonly found with eating disorders, along with frequent vomiting — can negatively impact oral health.
10. Others. Numerous conditions that can also affect oralhealth include Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and some cancer treatments.
Stress can impact oral health, so take stepsto alleviate stress in your life. Keep a healthy home by organizing, decluttering, letting in natural light, andadding some low-maintenance plants. Start practicing yogaand meditation. ZenBusiness also recommends recognizing stresstriggers, breathing deeply, and eating healthy and exercising.
Even if we try to maintain a healthylifestyle for optimum overall health, illness and disease can still — anddoes — occur. One thing you can do topositively impact your dental health is to regularly visit the dentist forcheckups and cleanings. Don’t wait! Your health depends on it.
Visit SoprisSmiles for excellent dental care and a wide rangeof specialized services to improve yo/home/ur oral health. Call 303-761-2999 toschedule an appointment!
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